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Why Fritz's is Committed to Disappointing You

In light of recent news reports about two Missouri hairdressers exposing clients to COVID-19 we wanted to let you know what we're doing to protect you at Fritz's. Two key factors regarding the Missouri cases are that both stylists worked in the same shop, and both were working with symptoms. It is not yet known whether any clients were infected.

At Fritz's our team is required to go through the same temperature and symptom screening as our clients, before they are permitted to enter the building. If someone on our team has a temperature they will not be permitted to work until they are able to get tested for COVID-19. This will require rescheduling all their appointments in an already busy appointment book. We know if that happens, many clients will be disappointed and frustrated that they can't get their scheduled service. We hate to disappoint our clients, but we are committed to doing just that if a team member has a fever.

Here are some of the other steps we are taking to keep you, our team, and the community safe:

All work areas are at least 6 feet apart and separated by partitions. The work areas are spread out (no adjacent adjacent chairs will be used).

Employees are required to maintain social distance at all times. Our shared break room is closed for breaks and we have repurposed our spa to provide socially distanced break areas for our team.

We have hired extra staff specifically to clean.

We use a visual cues to indicate than an area has been sanitized, so there is no doubt an area is safe. A folded cape draped over a chair indicates a sanitized work area. A folded towel at the shampoo bowl indicates sanitized, whereas a towel inside the bowl is a cue for the cleaners to sanitize. Two-sided coasters (red/green) indicate the status of shared areas like bathrooms or break areas.

Our team will all be in masks and we have stressed the importance of proper mask usage. Fresh gloves are used for every service with hand washing between clients. Sanitizer is available throughout the salon. All capes are freshly laundered. Our clients will be required to wear masks.

We trained our screeners on temperature and symptom checks on clients and discussed how to handle the situation if our policies don't permit us to provide a service that day. Our hope is that anyone with a high temperature will call to reschedule, but in the event they don't, our team will hold firm in adherence to the policy.

We have marked the floors inside, and the pavement outside as guides so our clients never come within 6 feet of another guest. It is our goal that when you visit Fritz's your contact is limited to (1) the person screening you before you enter the building (2) your stylist (3) the person at checkout/rebooking. Please be aware of these markers and do your part to social distance.

We are excited to get back to work, but understand the responsibility we all have individually to keep ourselves and others safe. A few clients have described our protocol as an over-reaction. This is a situation where I would much rather over-react than under. We've had many more supportive comments from clients who appreciate the steps we are taking to provide a safe environment.

We look forward to seeing you again soon, from behind our masks. We'll be smiling.